A randomized, Phase II trial of circulating tumor DNA-guided second line Adjuvant therapy for high Residual risk, stage II-III, Estrogen Receptor positive, HER-2 negative breast cancer (DARE)
This is a research study that's in its second phase, and it's looking at a new way of treating a specific type of breast cancer. The focus is on a certain stage of breast cancer, specifically stages II and III, where the cancer has a higher risk of coming back even after the main treatment has been done. This type of breast cancer is known as Estrogen Receptor Positive HER-2 Negative. Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is like tiny pieces of genetic information from the cancer cells that can be found in the blood. It's like a small trace of the cancer that can be detected without doing a biopsy. Guided second-line adjuvant therapy means they're trying to figure out a treatment plan for after the main treatment, like surgery or chemotherapy. Second-line means the second phase of treatment after the initial one. The study's goal is to see if the new way of treatment, guided by the circulating tumor DNA, works better at reducing the risk of the cancer coming back compared to the standard treatment.
Estrogen Receptor Positive HER-2 Negative: It is a type of breast cancer where cancer cells have estrogen receptors and are stimulated by the hormone estrogen to grow. These cells also have very little of the protein HER-2. This type of cancer tends to respond very well to therapy, since it tends to grow slowly. |
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Clinical Trial Site: Mount Sinai
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