Diversity & IncluSion in Research Underpinning Prevention & Therapy Trials
Diversity & Inclusion in Scientific Research Underpinning Prevention & Therapy Trials

DISRUPT is a project that tries to address the lack of diversity in cancer clinical trials. DISRUPT is working to improve representation of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, People of Color, people with health conditions and impairments, and LGBTQ+ persons in clinical trials by “disrupting” norms at the community, patient and provider, and research pipeline levels. DISRUPT was selected by Stand Up To Cancer (Su2C) as part of its Health Equity Initiative.

We are working with community partners to create new ways of thinking about cancer care and research. We want to start conversations about clinical trials by talking to health ambassadors and community organizations.
By doing this, we hope to make more people aware of clinical trials and encourage them to get involved in cancer research in their community.
Dr. Bruce Rapkin, Dr. Mary Beth Terry, Dr. Nina Bickell, Dr. Parisa Tehranifar, Rev. Dr. Zorina Costello, Ms. Ivis Sampayo, Dr. Grace Hillyer, Rev. Dr. Zorina Costello, Ms. Crispin Goytia, Ms. Andria Reyes, Ms. Kimberly Burke, Ms. Rita Ravichandar, Ms. Lauren Jones, Ms. Smeily Rodriguez, Dr. David Loundsbury

We are addressing the barriers in the care delivery system. Instead of searching for patients to fit the trials, we will search for trials that fit the patient. We will create an electronic approach to find key clinical features of cancer patients and trials and match patients with trials.
We’ll bring this list to patients and their doctors at the time they need to make important decisions about care.
Dr. Nina Bickell, Dr. Grace Hillyer, Dr. Bruce Rapkin, Dr. Joe Sparano, Dr. Della Makower, Dr. Selvin Soby, Dr. Andreas Kaubisch, Dr. Gary Schwartz, Dr. Andrew Lassman, Dr. Dawn Hershman, Dr. Nathalie Moise, Dr. Karyn Goodman, Dr. Cardinale Smith,
Dr. Patricia Kovatch, Dr. Girish Nadkami, Dr. Amy Tiersten,
Dr. Ash Tewari, Dr. Augusto Villanueva, Ms. Radhi Yagnik, Rev. Dr. Zorina Costello,
Ms. Ivis Sampayo

We will train scientists in the importance of diversity, social determinants of health and conducting community-relevant work research.
Dr. Karen Hubbard, Dr. Mary Beth Terry, Dr. Amit Verma, Dr. Anne Bresnik, Dr. Roman Perez-Soler, Dr. Wendy Chung, Dr. Kevin Gardner, Dr. Jasmine McDonald, Dr. Gary Butts, Dr. Janice Gabrilove, Ms. Radhi Yagnik, Dr. Maria Lima, Dr. Lynn Hernandez, Rev. Dr. Zorina Costello, Ms. Ivis Sampayo
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Participation by underrepresented patients in clinical trials has been historically low. We aim to change that by working with community organizations and community oncologists, and engaging people from underserved communities. We hope to change views on cancer care and research. Right now, many people think that clinical trials happen when there are no more known treatments to offer. We aim to tell people about clinical trials and research earlier in the process so that if someone does get cancer, it will not be the first time they hear about clinical trials.