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AER20 Panel: Clarifying the Myths and Challenging Bias About Race in Research Review

The research enterprise has a distinct obligation to grapple with systemic racism, given its historical abuses of communities of color. The ethics framework governing research with human subjects was created in direct response to the exploitation of Black men in the US Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee. This history, alongside inequities in employment, wealth, education, and housing, and the chronic devaluing of lives of people of color, has persistently undermined the health of these populations. Despite efforts to earn the trust of these communities, address racial biases in research, and increase the representation of people of color among research participants and beneficiaries, there is much more work to be done. How can HRPP/IRB professionals and researchers work to dismantle racism as it manifests in research? This panel will explore several levers for effecting change, including identifying and addressing bias within institutions conducting research, challenging myths and assumptions about communities of color, engaging in community participatory research, and ensuring equitable access to research results.

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