A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo- and Active-Comparator-Controlled Clinical Study of Adjuvant V940 (mRNA-4157) Plus Pembrolizumab Versus Adjuvant Placebo Plus Pembrolizumab in Participants With Resected Stage II, IIIA, IIIB (N2) Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
This Phase 3 research study compares the efficacy of adjuvant V940 (mRNA-4157) plus pembrolizumab against adjuvant placebo plus pembrolizumab in individuals with surgically removed Stage II, IIIA, and IIIB (N2) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). It is randomized, double-blind, and includes both a placebo and an active comparator group. V940 (mRNA-4157) refers to an experimental mRNA-based therapeutic aimed at stimulating the immune response against cancer cells. Pembrolizumab is a type of immunotherapy that targets PD-1 (programmed cell death protein 1), enhancing the immune system's ability to fight cancer.The aim is to evaluate whether adding V940 to pembrolizumab improves outcomes for these patients compared to pembrolizumab alone.
Phase 3: A phase 3 clinical trial is a large-scale study designed to assess the effectiveness and safety of a new medical treatment or approach compared to a standard treatment |
non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): A type of lung cancer with non small cells that grow too much and can spread to other parts of the body |
randomized: Patients are randomly assigned to one of two groups. It's like flipping a coin to decide who gets which treatment |
placebo: a substance or treatment that has no active medical properties but is given to a patient as if it were a real medication or treatment. It is often used in medical research to compare the effects of a new drug or treatment with the effects of no treatment at all. The idea is to see if the new drug or treatment is genuinely effective by comparing how patients who receive the real treatment fare compared to those who receive the placebo |
double-blind: Neither the patients nor the doctors know who is getting what treatment. This helps make sure the results are completely not biased |
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Clinical Trial Site: Einstein
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